Income and expenses are entered by clicking the round buttons (red for expense and green for income).
Time periods considered are month and year.
Contiguous time periods can be scrolled by sliding own finger back and forth on the screen.
Clicking on an item in the list of categories in the main screen get access to the details of that category.
Monthly and yearly budget limits can be set on each category.
Various reporting methods are available: pie chart showing percent breakdown of categories; line chart indicating the progressive transactions balance over time; and bar chart reporting the final balances of the previous periods.
Categories are not fixed: can be created, edited and deleted.
A copy of the database can be saved on Google Drive using the own Google account. So the app can be used on multiple devices by downloading from Google Drive the saved database.
Reports in PDF format can be created and printed.
Starting from the home screen and rotating the device in landscape position, the full list of transactions appears.
In this position a full text search on description and category fields can be done.
Correct currency and date formats are automatically chosen according to the language set on device.
From settings menu item, font size of port, land, and categories list can be set.